With the archive downloaded, it is great to see over 120 new changes to AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition, across a number of different areas. The changelog included in the archive covers these in detail:
An important note is a change to the kicklayout file on AmigaOS 4.1 final Edition, which requires the user to modify the Kicklayout file in Sys:Kickstart/Kicklayout to reference a new resource kickstart module, in order for the new Update 2 to boot successfully on the X1000. There is a similar instruction for the X5000, with a different file required for those systems.
Although I understand the requirement to do this, and no issues in doing it, I think this change really should have been handled by the installer.
As mentioned there are a lot of changes in this update 2 release, and some of them are shown below:
Covered is the new pasemi_dma.resource.kmod file - the one you need to add to the kicklayout file before rebooting after the installation completes.
Interesting notes on the graphics.library changes, which shows that the onboard A1222 display interface is now supported. This means you don't have to have a PCI-e graphics card added to the A1222 to use have a display, although obviously a dedicated ATI Radeon PCI-e card will easily be better than the onboard display.
Actually, I have been using that support for some time as a Beta tester on the A1222, but until now it was not publicly communicated that this support exists.
Getting onto the installation, the Python version needs to be updated before it starts:
As virtually no one would actually know where that is installed, they just ask for the System drive location, which is defaulted to SYS, the correct location for most people:
The installer proper then launches:
The warnings about the kicklayout changes is included here too, just in case you didn't read the changelog first.
The installer defaults to updating AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1 installed on SYS:, which is fine for me, and should be very most people unless you customised your installation:
The install then gets underway, with a lot of files installed, including the latest MUI 5 version released on 21st December!
Now you are reminded again to change the kicklayout, and it detects I am running on an AmigaOne X1000 and shows the correct lines to insert and where, and even a button to open Notepad:
Notepad then opens the Kicklayout file, ready to edit:
I added in the required line for my X1000 as requested by the installer:
I saved the file, closed Notepad and then got the installation complete screen. Note that it says you need to run FixFonts in the System drawer after the reboot is done:
After the reboot, The workbench opened as expected, but now with an unexpected Clock, which was replaced the A-Eon Enhancer clock I had running before.
This is easy enough to fix. I ran the A-Eon Updater program to update Clock to the A-Eon version. Of course you may not want to do that - I know a few people have strong opinions about A-Eon replacing System utilities and tools with custom versions. I am not getting involved in that one! Your choice.
Checking the About confirms I am now running AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 on my AmigaOne X1000.

As mentioned earlier, the latest MUI 5 release from 21/12/2020 is included on Update 2 as well. I updated some extra MUI classes from os4depot as I found there have been a few updates to important ones since I last played on my X1000.

I tried out AmiCygnix 1.6, which is also updated in 2020 (and a number of linux programs run well under it on the X1000 under AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2)
I found Spencer (Warp3D Nova game) works well, as does AmigaAmp 3, Schismtracker, AmiCygnix 1.6 (updated during 2020), Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and a few other games as well.
Game-wise I tried out Pacman Arena, Metal Slug and Sonic Riders which all worked well under Update 2:
I also fired up the very excellent Tower 57 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2, and found there was some updates for this game as well! I haven't played it for a while and for some reason I was doing well playing it so here is a few screenshots:
The game is a lot of fun - I am so glad I supported the Kickstarter to make this game happen on AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.
A few enemies around, about to get a lot busier:
Unlocking keys, doors and secret rooms in Tower 57 is a lot of fun and quite rewarding:
Being able to repair your battered body as you progress through the game is very handy - in this case an enemy removed my legs, but I can fix them here:
Mind you, I still have a long way to go to get good at this game:
Moving onto to emulation, I ran the new release DosBox update for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 and it runs quite well indeed - I can now run PC DOS demos at full speed on the X1000:
Putting Robotnik through it's paces:
I had to have a go at the classic Commander Keen while in DOSBox:
Moving back to Amiga of course, I also tried out my E-UAE JIT emulation setup of the Amiga 4000 system user AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 and pleased to report it works well also:
My Amiga 2000 workbench 1.3 hard disk setup emulation under E-UAE also runs well on the X1000 with Update 2:
I played some videos using AmigaOS4 native Emotion player (Available to purchase on AmiStore), and MPlayer with Altivec support under Update 2:
I fired up Odyssey web browser, and really want to see the latest developments with Wayfarer on MorphOS ported to the AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition version sooner rather than later. The age of this browser is really showing now.
So there you have it - a quick look at AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 install process and things seem to be working ok after the installation. I am so glad to see a new update for AmigaOS in 2020, just in time for Xmas.
I am slowly exploring what works and what doesn't after the upgrade, and will report back with my findings as I explore our newest AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 installation!
I am having a few well deserved days off of Xmas after a tough year for everyone. I wish you and your family a safe and very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
I look forward to doing more blog entries for you all in 2021.
Thanks for your review. I agree about requiring the user to edit the Kicklayout. This is where things easily go wrong. AEON actually has a Kickstart module installer so why not the official OS4? Apart from that machines like the X1000 and X5000 are using AmigaBoot and don't need customised Kicklayouts for multi boot. Also previous installers changed so it doesn't make sense. I think they should ditch rigid setup files and use the same method as Workbench does in drawers. On top of this the change logs have issues. It's full of developer information. How is CHOOSER_MaxLabels, WA_BusyPointer or GetFont relevant to the user? It isn't. This is another Amihgaism they need to stop. Can't they put it in plain language? If they sell it to both users and developers they need to stop. You shouldn't need a programming degree to use AmigaOS but these you do as they have let it get out of hand!
ReplyDeleteHello Epsilon.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I have not found any possibility to contact you. As a new owner of an X5000 just like you I would like to exchange some notes. Please contact me under daniel at amiga-news point de
Thank you!