Hi All,
I need to take a small break from the blog.
I am dealing with too much stuff at the moment, with work and family medical things (helping with my mum's recovery from recent brain surgery and being carer for my Gran) consuming too much of my free time at the moment.
On the work front I am crazy busy as me (and my small team) have 6 new or relocated offices in Germany, Spain, Turkey, India, France, and a company acquisition to do, and also a global phone system right now to implement in UK, US, Latin America and Canada, and more.
It's too much work right now, and something has to give or I will burn out.
My precious free time is being used for some occasional Amiga things to keep me sane like trying the SPE builds of Tower 57 for A1222 for the next A1222 blog post I have planned, but I just don't have time to write full detailed blog posts at the moment.
I bought a low profile Radeon RX card for the A1222 to fit my InWin case, which is one of the supported models. Sadly it doesn't appear to work on AmigaOS 4.1 when I tried it (the boot screen appears but nothing from OS4).
This scuppered my plans to review the 1080p video playback support. Not keen to blow more money on a different card...besides, I could only find one low profile RX card in the model range supported by OS4.
I saw some rather nasty comments submitted to me to review on my last A1222 blog post which I chose not to publish to the blog. The comment included telling me (amongst other things) that I have wasted the last 8 years of my life. This sort of stuff doesn't help my motivation either when I do this for free...
I did manage to get over to Melbourne over the weekend for the F1 grand prix a few weeks ago, and I am so glad I managed to do that despite all the craziness right now - it gave me some much needed time away from what I currently have to deal with, to do something fun. I have been a big fan of F1 every year since the 1980's, never missing watching a race.
I even got to meet F1 driver Alex Albon in person over breakfast in our Melbourne hotel, as he was staying in the same hotel. I met him at the buffet, shook his hand, and we had a quick chat! First time to meet an F1 driver in person!
No one believes you when you say things like that unless you have a photo to prove it, so here you go:
Probably not the best day to wear a Ferrari shirt, but I was supporting Ferrari that weekend, and they won the race so I feel good about that.
I bought a Williams F1 shirt later that day at the track to support his team, and wore it the next morning at breakfast and he saw me wearing it, so all good, right?
Anyway, I didn't want to go quiet for a while and people to think I abandoned this blog - I haven't.
I will be back when I have more free time. I'll post on my Instagram and Facebook pages little snippets of Amiga and other computer fun I do as I have time, but right now I am overwhelmed with other non-Amiga related stuff to do.
Thanks for your patience.